We love your enthusiasm! Here’s a quick checklist for you leading up to your event.
- Check all team members have completed their registration online so that they appear on your team page.
- Get your fundraising strategy in place.
- Get your training schedule in place.
In the lead up to Event Day
- Confirm your postal address online - six weeks prior to event day (Team Captains only)
- Organise your support crew (essential for 50km and recommended for 30/35km)
- Start training in daylight and twilight as there is a possibility you will be walking in the dark. So, purchase a bright head torch and plan some twilight walks with your teammates or buddy.
- Plan your nutrition for the day.
- Plan your best dressed outfits. Don’t forget to #Coastrek. Prizes to be won!
2 weeks prior to the event
- Plan your Event Day transport. RSVP to shuttle bus or organise a drop off & pick up (email for Shuttle buses will be sent 2 weeks prior to your event).
- Receive event bibs in the post 1 week prior to event day (Team Captains only).
- Pack your day pack with the essential/recommended gear.
- Access your route map ( AllTrails app and/or hard copy event map guide).
- Download the Emergency+ app on your phone.
Woohoo, let’s do this!
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