Mobile Phone: Bring your phone so we can contact you in an emergency. You can also use the All-trails app for up-to-date trail info to help trekkers!
Comfortable Clothing: Wear comfy clothes and closed-in shoes. Feel free to dress up in something fun but be prepared for all kinds of weather—think layers, sun protection, and wet-weather gear. We’ll provide hi-vis vests, plus a Coastrek buff and a gift from Beyond Blue!
Drink Bottle + Snacks: We’ll provide a snack and a meal voucher but bring your own food if you have specific dietary needs or want extra fuel. Don’t forget your reusable drink bottle or cup—Coastrek is proudly disposable cup-free! Check your site to see if there is a food truck at your location.
Enthusiasm: Bring your best vibes! Coastrek is all about energy, sparkle, and WOOHOO, and as a volunteer, you’re essential to creating an unforgettable experience for trekkers, families, and Beyond Blue supporters.
Pack Light: Space for personal belongings is limited, and bags may be left unattended in a marquee. Avoid bringing valuables and keep essentials like your phone with you.
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