Individuals looking to join a team can post on our Team Vacancy pages listed on our website under each event.
Team Captains can advertise a team vacancy by logging into their dashboard and selecting My Team on the right-hand navigation bar.
Here are some places to find teammates you might not have thought of:
- Our Team Vacancies page - at, select your event and choose 'Team Vacancies'.
- Post in local bushwalking, running, or hiking groups on Facebook - including our very own Wild Women Community and Coastrek groups (we have private groups for each event location)
- Post in local community or mum’s groups on Facebook or other social media/meetup platforms.
- Ask your gym or yoga studio if you can put a callout on their noticeboard.
- Ask your workplace if you can put a callout on their noticeboard or intranet.
- Ask your book club or kids sports team group chat
- Ask an old friend you haven’t seen in a while
- Ask your parents or kids (over 16s)
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